Sunday, April 15, 2012

I can't seem to keep up with a routine post

And obviously I can't type out everything that has happened in the past 4 months.

So, here's a synopsis of the past on-goings;


By far the best month. Everyone: Bel, Kim, Leng, Vad and Nikki. We could still go out. School was on but it just wasn't on full blast. I miss this :(
I even went out clubbing with Leng for the first time ever. Like, full throttle clubbing. Had the best night with her and even met new/old friends. Went home around 5 in the morning. No hang over. HOHOHO.


Things started to slow down a little right here. But I finally got my driving license and was allowed to drive. Since we had an extra car... MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Here also, Haneya and I started bonding more and more. Crazy 5 days straight worth of sleeping over :3


Why hello, March. This would be what I call the heartbreak March. The month where everywhere we marched, there seemed to be heartbreak. ZIZZ. See what I did tharr? Total let down. Oh wellz, what to do. I did enjoy myself a little too much during SPM. And before that too, of course. But good thing I got all credits. yayayayy.


Tomorrow is Leng's birthday. I miss Leng.