Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm finally in KL

And seeing him smile at me just kills me.

He looks so nice, so innocent, and superbly HARMLESS.
But we all know deep inside that boy, there's a raging, spelling demon, just waiting for the right time to knock me out, alphabet by alphabet. He's only 14 this year though. Wait- what am I saying?! RAGING SPELLING DEMON INSIDE.

The journey here so far has been, pleasant? It was nice talking to the other participants in the bus during the ride to Olympia Hotel. And KL, the roads are just littered with Mercs, Peogeots, BMWs and even Audis. I love staring out the window :3
Back in KK, at most, you'll only be seeing hundreds of Mercs. And Mini Coopers? Nvm, point is, roads in KL is definitely a nice view :p

My dad on the other hand, hasn't exactly been the most supportive supporter.

And I guess I am super excited for this competition because whoops, guess who woke up at 4AM today? And my first instinct was to call him up. Agh yes yes, clingy much ha. But I couldn't just fly off to KL and tell him all about it once I came back? That would be, not so nice :/ and now I'm ging to off to my room. Will be updating again soon.

Pray for me.

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